Protegen ID Gene Name Sequence Strain (Species/Organism) NCBI Gene ID NCBI Nucleotide GI NCBI Protein GI Locus Tag Genbank Accession Protein Accession Protein Name Protein Annotation Molecule Role Molecule Role Annotation COG PMID 1914 L Measles virus 1489802 9626952 MeVgp6 NP_056924.1 large polymerase Virulence factor MUTATION: The L gene from the attenuated Edmonston strain replaced the L protein of a virulent clinical isolate IC-B of the measles virus and grown in Vero cells. The recombinant viruses had had growth disadvantage in CD150-positive lymphoid B95a cells compared to the wild type IC-B [Ref6603:Tahara et al., 2005]. 16306593 1915 M Measles virus 1489803 9626949 MeVgp3 NP_056921.1 matrix protein Virulence factor MUTATION: The M gene from the attenuated Edmonston strain replaced the M protein of a virulent clinical isolate IC-B of the measles virus and grown in Vero cells. The recombinant viruses had had growth disadvantage in CD150-positive lymphoid B95a cells compared to the wild type IC-B [Ref6603:Tahara et al., 2005]. 16306593 1916 P Measles virus 1489805 9626947 MeVgp2 NP_056919.1 phosphoprotein Virulence factor MUTATION: V and C protein mutants (encoded by the P gene) are attenuated in Rhesus monkeys [Ref6604:Devaux et al., 2008]. 18385234