Protegen ID Gene Name Sequence Strain (Species/Organism) NCBI Gene ID NCBI Nucleotide GI NCBI Protein GI Locus Tag Genbank Accession Protein Accession Protein Name Protein Annotation Molecule Role Molecule Role Annotation COG PMID 5203 PDE 208657264 ecto-phosphodiesterase Virulence factor The effects of suppressing expression of the SmNPP-5 gene in vivo were tested by injecting parasites into mice. It was found that, unlike controls, parasites whose SmNPP-5 gene was demonstrably suppressed at the time of host infection were greatly impaired in their ability to establish infection. These results demonstrate that SmNPP-5 is a virulence factor for schistosomes.[Ref7601:Bhardwaj et al., 2011]; 21825060