Protegen ID Gene Name Sequence Strain (Species/Organism) NCBI Gene ID NCBI Nucleotide GI NCBI Protein GI Locus Tag Genbank Accession Protein Accession Protein Name Protein Annotation Molecule Role Molecule Role Annotation COG PMID 5202 LOC535600 Bos taurus 535600 similar to heme A:farnesyltransferase Virulence factor F. hepatica host infection is a multistage process and flukes express papain-like cysteine proteases, termed cathepsins, which play pivotal roles in virulence through host entry, tissue migration and immune evasion. [Ref7600:Zawistowska-Deniziak et al., 2013]; 23770026 5220 Cathepsin L proteases 452266 cathepsin L-like protease Virulence factor cathepsin L cysteine peptidases (FhCL) correlates with the entry and migration of the helminth pathogen Fasciola hepatica in the host.; [Ref7616:Robinson et al., 2011] 21483711