Protegen ID Gene Name Sequence Strain (Species/Organism) NCBI Gene ID NCBI Nucleotide GI NCBI Protein GI Locus Tag Genbank Accession Protein Accession Protein Name Protein Annotation Molecule Role Molecule Role Annotation COG PMID 5085 m136 157676230 m136 protein Virulence factor No differences were observed in viral yield, plaque size, and plaque morphology between the parental strain and any of the m136 mutant viruses. In vivo analysis using a SCID mouse virulence model showed a consistently measurable attenuated phenotype for all three m136 mutants. The results showed that although the m136 gene was not essential for replication in vitro or in vivo, an intact m136 gene was necessary to yield wild type virulence during infection of the host. [Ref7486:Visalli et al., 2007] 17143724