Protegen ID Gene Name Sequence Strain (Species/Organism) NCBI Gene ID NCBI Nucleotide GI NCBI Protein GI Locus Tag Genbank Accession Protein Accession Protein Name Protein Annotation Molecule Role Molecule Role Annotation COG PMID 5071 ORF3-1 847843 847844 ORF 3 gene Virulence factor MUTATION: The gene 3 is intact in the two virulent PRCV isolates, whereas gene 3 is altered in the two low virulence isolates. A similar observation has been reported for TGEV as a nonpathogenic TGEV mutant with a small plaque morphology had a deletion in gene 3. We have also observed that one of the low virulence PRCV isolates, IA 1894, which has a deletion in gene 3, replicates poorly in cell cultures. Collectively these studies suggest that gene 3 may be an important determinant for in vivo virulence and in vitro replication of coronaviruses [Ref7473:Paul et al., 1997]. 9192036