Protegen ID Gene Name Sequence Strain (Species/Organism) NCBI Gene ID NCBI Nucleotide GI NCBI Protein GI Locus Tag Genbank Accession Protein Accession Protein Name Protein Annotation Molecule Role Molecule Role Annotation COG PMID 5036 M RNA segment La Crosse virus 956555 22256026 LACVsMgp1 AF528166 NP_671969 G1/G2 membrane polyprotein Virulence factor A comparative pathogenesis study in suckling mice of one reassortant virus and the parent Tahyna virus confirmed the greater neuroinvasiveness of the reassortant virus. From these data it was concluded that the M RNA segment was the major determinant of virulence. [Ref7440:Janssen et al., 1986] 3712554